Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Happy Anniversary!

Early this morning I made Date Squares, our favorite road trip snack! 

Last night I went to bed hoping the weather would improve on Hwy 3 on route to Manning Provincial Park, but no; the winter storm warning is still in effect and the advice is not to venture onto the roads unless strictly necessary. Although for me it is, on this special day of the year; I turned to "your advice" and decided to wait for signs of improvement in the weather. Maybe tomorrow there will be a break in the weather and I can go visit one of our favorite places in British Columbia; I need this.

This morning I was also busy looking for a photograph that is alive in my mind but I could not find it; I could draw that image, I will describe it to you.

On December 20, 1994, my flight from New York landed in Seattle. You were waiting for me at the airport standing by the gate being so beautiful!

Our meeting after many months was wonderful, but we wanted to get married and we had to decide what to do next.  All planning was done in the lobby of The Edgewater Hotel. The place was beautifully decorated for Christmas, had a great atmosphere, wide couches, very comfortable, and there was a complementary phone in the lobby to make local calls. Really nice.

You were going through the Yellow Pages looking for someone who could marry us. As I gazed at you, I placed the camera on the chair in front of you, set the timer, and ran to your side - "Smile!" - snap! I think I framed your shoulders with my hands as I held you still and brought my face close to yours for the momento.

After a few phone calls, you found a small church that could do the ceremony. "Oh, you can marry us?  Great! What do we do in preparation? Ah, a license, okay, we will get it now... what time on the 22nd? We will be there!"

"There is no time to lose José, we have to go to the Marriage Department and get a marriage license!" - Incredible, just like that and we jumped into Christina's car and drove a few blocks to the King County Marriage Department.

When we got there, to my surprise, there was a queue to get licenses!  "We are not the only ones!" - you said between your teeth with a big grin in your face; always had something cheeky to say!  We were so excited, and on a day like today, 27 years ago, I heard the most beautiful speech from a pastor and my life changed forever.

Happy anniversary darling!

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