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Once Upon a Time a Charro

Cantinflas starring in "Por mis Pistolas"

During the last months of 1991, Christina was working in Dr. Ross Hill's research group at Simon Fraser University.  I was working in Dr. Pinto's research group as a post-doctoral fellow.  Due to the proximity between our work labs, I noticed the pretty girl working next door.  I knew who she was because our groups would often go together to the university pub for a refreshing beer.  Sometimes, the quiet intellectual atmosphere of the pub was a little boring and our groups would team up to go for an extended party time to the pubs of the area like "Mountain Shadow", which does not exist today, or "John B" still standing.

During these outings, our groups played darts, sang karaoke, and ate copious amounts of nachos and chicken wings accompanied by gallons of beer. I will never forget on one occasion we visited JobB and the pub had live music, a rock band. I wanted to impress Christina so badly that I asked the bandleader if they could play "La Bamba."

"La Bamba? Los Lobos style?"

"Yes, that one!  Can you play it?"

"We know how to play it but the lyrics would be a little problem."

"Great!  I can sing it!"

The musicians looked at each other a little surprised and the guitarist, who seemed to be the leader of the band, nodded as if to say "why not!"

I don't remember if I was drunk but I was under the influence of some spell. I jumped on stage and one of the musicians made the announcement.

"Ladies and gents, join me to welcome Jose Marino who is going to sing La Bamba with us!"

The band started and the performance was amazing! After that, I became a minor celebrity in the pub as the liquor flowed. Christina and I talked about that night many, many times during our lives together. It was incredible!

However, at that time I still did not have Christina's favor. I was working on it and was a bit shy to confess my feelings to her. I wanted her to feel great around me. looking back; perhaps I was working a little too hard on the introduction part.

In those days there was a Mexican professor visiting Pinto's group. I only remember his first name; Ivan.

Professor Ivan, on the back row, second from the left.  
Me, second from the left on the bottom row.
The first from the left to my right is Professor Pinto, and
to my left, Lars, a brilliant chemist from Sweden. 
I think I was among the finest chemists I have ever met.
Christina took this picture in 1992.

Ivan was very lively and cheerful. He played the guitar exceptionally well and had a fabulous voice; he was a true musician. Ivan and I used to share the same lab where we would spend countless hours working on our respective research. During that time we became good friends; we told each other jokes and sang La Bamba in the laboratory. He was working on organoselenium chemistry while I was working on carbohydrate chemistry.

One day Ivan seemed enthusiastically eager to do something.

"Ivan, you are in a great mood.  What is going on?"

"I have a date!"

"Sweet!  Who is the girl?"

"Can't tell you! I am taking her for dinner and no one knows what will happen after that!"

"That is really great!  Good for you man!"

I felt good for him, he was a good guy.  Then I saw Christina standing at the entrance of our lab.  My first thought was that she needed something from us. Before I open my mouth to ask her how we could help her she spoke.

"Ivan; I am ready" - Ivan looked at me with a smile, took off his lab coat, washed his hands and they both left.

I was crushed; Ivan and Christina?!  It does not even rhyme!  Oh, no!

I used to work late every day.  That night I went to the pub by myself, had a beer, and left.  The next day arrived early at the lab.  When Ivan arrived I asked him:

"So, how did it go last night?"

"It was great!  I took her for Italian and after that, we went for a walk..."


"We kissed.  She is a great kisser!" - No, no, NOOO! 

"Nice!" - I did not want to ask any further; that was enough!

With the end of the year festivities approaching, Dr. Pinto organized a house party for his research group and he extended the invitation to Dr. Hill's lab and the rest of the chemistry department.  Mario's parties were memorable, with lots of food, beer, and music.  He was a great host; he was lots of fun!

In the basement of his house, there was a large recreational room where music was playing and partygoers were dancing.  I was attracted by the music and when I entered the room the first thing I saw was Ivan and Christina lively dancing -"They are dancing!  At least it is not a romantic tune" - I thought.  I do not know what got into me but as I spotted them I walked straight to them and said:

"Hey Ivan, were you able to talk to your wife?  She called you at the lab but you were already gone"

Suddenly, as stricken by lighting Ivan stopped dancing and left the room.  I was surprised he reacted so strongly but more surprised was Christina who stood there with her mouth open as if someone had punched her stomach.  It was a joke, a bad joke I admit, but I was expecting Ivan to say that he was not married at all and that would have been the end of the incident.

The next day I saw Ivan and I apologized to him and told him that I was kidding.  He told me that it was not a big deal and that he was not interested in Christina after all.  I felt bad about my behavior.

After that Ivan and Christina did not go out anymore and my friendship with Ivan got a little cold.  Then the inevitable happened; Jose and Christina.

When the news got out the first person I heard from was Ivan.

"You little bastard!"


"No, no; do not worry!" - interrupting me and placing his arm around my shoulders told me while shaking my body - "I am happy for you; Hijo de Puta!  By the way, I have to teach you how to sing La Bamba correctly cabron; you are singing it but it is not right!"

After I moved back to Canada to join my wife permanently in BC I used to tease her about Ivan.

"Ivan told me that your kisses were like fire!"

"We never kissed!"

"You are blushing!  He told me you were a maniac kisser!"

That teasing went on for years and it always ended with Jose and Christina kissing.


This story does not end here; it ends here!  Explain Yourself!


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