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Winter Tribute

Our recent trip to Manning Park was supposed to happen on December 24th, 2022, but we did it during the first days of January because we could not do it then. We remembered, honored, and shed some tears but also had a great time playing in the snow, and sharing time together as we have always done. BC Hwy 3 was absolutely beautiful to travel on. I never had a complaint, well maintained. We love to explore British Columbia in all weather!

The picture in this post was taken at Lightning Lake, very close to the shore.  The tracks leading to the roses are my own, I selected that spot because it was intact, as nature intended it to be.  The next day, early in the morning, we returned to the lake; I wanted to see the roses before starting our road trip home.  The air was pure and cold and as I looked up into the sky as if looking for something I could see the low clouds moving slowly, pushed by a calm breeze, knowing exactly where they were going.  It was very peaceful.   

The roses were now surrounded by many tracks revealing other witnesses who are now, inadvertently and anonymously, part of these memories.  Before leaving I sang for my wife, "He venido" (I've come) with all the strength of my lungs and it echoed in the snowy mountains the same as when I sang it for her on December 24th, 2020, the last time we were both together at the lake.  To complete the magic moment, the blanket of clouds opened up in patches over the mountains showing the blue sky to give an opportunity for sun rays to bathe the frigid lake.    

I have no doubt in my mind that my wife was kissing me, but I did not want to share that thought with my daughters for them to make their own interpretation.

The trip home was beautiful.  The weather forecast was snow along the way and freezing rain in the area of Hope, British Columbia.  However, non of that happened and it was blue skies with cloudy patches.  I know who made that happen.

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