During the past few months, I have written stories about my family, things we have done together, and how I feel about Christina not being here physically. While I think about all of these stories, events, and feelings, it becomes evident, to me, that there is a great deal of randomness in our lives; there is no master plan. Of course, we all have goals and fantasies, things we would like to do. To attempt to accomplish these things we create paths in our minds, others write them in steps or priorities. These paths help us stay focused on these goals, but what I have experienced is that the actual execution of these steps takes place in an ether we live in not in isolation. Naturally, the path to our goals is heavily modulated by the environment we are in; by our lives. Christina and I had many plans. A recurring fantasy was to have a long holiday with her. We often talked about going to a warm place and simmering our bodies on...