Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Bread, Honey, and Paint

We have not made bread at home in a long time.  The kind of bread we usually bake is heavy, multigrain, good for breakfast, not fluffy, and leaves a sensation of satisfaction when you eat it any time of the day.  A toast from this bread goes well with butter and honey, but it is also great with a couple of fried eggs on top.  You might not find this appetizing, but I do.  Sometimes I put a slice of whichever cheese I find in the fridge, a slice of salami, and the eggs on top.  Livia enjoys that kind of savory toast, but Raquel does not care; she is a waffle girl.

The recipe that we always use for making heavy-grain breakfast bread calls for honey, however, next to that line there is a note from Christina - "Use sugar instead".  Her bread was always wonderful.  The bread is now baking and I am waiting for the timer to go off to get it out of the oven and leave the loaf to cool overnight on a rack. I am looking forward to a slice!

Over the weekend I painted the window frame of the living room.  It was an old overdue project of ours.  

Before Christina was diagnosed with cancer we started to paint the inside of the home.  She planned the job very carefully, taking pictures of the walls and discussing colors with me and a close friend of hers who is an interior decorator.  I agreed to the color selection and Christina and I started painting.  The new wall colors give a warm feeling to our home.

After the cancer diagnosis, the painting project had to be put on the back burner as we focused on her getting better.  

In the summer of 2020, after she recovered from her first surgery and finished her chemotherapy and radiation, we continued the renovation and finished all the walls except the living room window frame.  It is done now.  I stand in front of the window to admire the result and hear Christina's voice - "It looks great Jose, thanks for finishing".

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