Monday, November 20, 2023

Dear Love


Dear Love,

Forgive me, it has been a while since I have written to you.  It is not for the lack of news; home is buzzing with events typical of growing pains and gaining experience.  For me, it is just about missing your hands, warm body, your words; missing planning something to do together.  I must admit, you always had the best ideas.

Recently I became a Master Chef, but not the kind of chef popular among all ages; oh, no!  I cook your dishes, daring, adventurous, and full of flavor!  I set the table and see you on your chair, right opposite to mine displaying my favorite smile, approving the dinner.   I remember when you made Spaghetti Tomato Bassilic for the first time.  You thought that I was not going to like it.  Boy, were you in for a surprise!  It became my favorite dinner!  You made it for me.  What a treat!

Oh, Christina, you were the wife I always wanted to have!  The fact that we found each other made me feel very special.  We worked hard to be together and celebrated our love during our time together.  No one day did not happen.  I miss you so!

It will be more difficult to travel during holidays now; we have pets, two cats.  Their names are Sophy and Nikky.  They are sisters.  Sophy likes me but Nikky is a little difficult.  I got them mainly for our girls.  The cats adore Raquel.  I have mentioned to Raquel that you had a cat that you loved very much.  I showed her your picture holding Puss and she holds her cats the same in a way, I figure, to get closer to you.  

This winter I would like to visit Lightning Lake on our anniversary at Manning Park.  I'd like that very much although I know you won't be there.

Missing you always,

Your husband.

Ps: I wonder if you have a computer where you are for you to read my blog.   I am writing here because I do not know your email address.

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