Friday, May 13, 2022

Christina; You Are Going to Have a Baby!

After Christina and I decided to have a baby she went off birth control.  One day she told me.

"Jose, I am late."

"Oh, maybe this is it!  You think?"

"No; it is too soon.  I went off the pills just a few weeks ago; for some people, it takes a long time, years, to have a baby.  I know I am not pregnant."

"Oh; have you made an appointment to see Dr. Ross?"

"Yes; I am going to see her this morning."

That day I went to my office in West Vancouver to carry on with my workday as usual.  Back in Port Coquitlam, Christina went to her family doctor's office.

"When was the last time you were on birth control?"

"Six weeks ago."

"Hum; this could be it!"

"No, no, no.  I would know if I am pregnant; it is my body!  I do not feel anything!  I am not pregnant!"

"Ok, Christina; I am going to bring a little cup and you are going to the bathroom to pee in it.  We just need a little bit of urine for the test".

Christina went to the bathroom and returned to the examination room where Dr. Ross was waiting.

"Here it is, but I am not pregnant.  This is a waste of time!"

"Thank you Christina; this will be done in a moment".

When the doctor returned she told Christina.

"Congratulations!  You are going to be a mother!"

After Christina got home and regained control of her emotions she called me at the office.

"Jose; I have something to tell you but I cannot tell you over the phone.  I will tell you when you get home."

"What is going on Christina?  Are you OK?  What did the doctor say?"

"Do not worry, I am fine.  I will go to pick you up at the train station."

When I arrived at the station in Port Coquitlam, my wife was waiting for me outside of the car and as soon as she spotted me she waved at me.  When I reached her she hugged me and told me with a smile:

"You are going to be a dad!"

After I manage to settle down she told me the above story.  We laugh!

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