Sunday, August 21, 2022

Summer Road 2022


Soon the girls and I will venture on the British Columbia roads.  It will not be a long trip; it will only be three days and two nights; perhaps another day and another night.

I will be responsible for the driving, hence, I'll try to be in the best shape I can.  Lately, I have been suffering from a vicious backache and have done everything to get rid of it.  I even went to the local hospital ER and they told me that it will take time for this to go away, usually from two to three weeks.  I am feeling a little better today as I enter the second week.  The day of the trip is approaching.  Every day in one's life comes and nothing slows down that invisible time machine.

Contrary to Christina's beliefs; I enjoy being in the passenger seat.  I enjoy the actual drive but also enjoy looking at the vast immensity of British Columbia when I am not driving.  

I know where I'll retire once the girls move out on their own. I will go inland, about an 8-hour drive from where we live today. The girls could keep that place as a summer retreat after I permanently move into the House of Eternity with my wife. Christina once showed me that area; it has a beautiful crystal clear lake and mountains. The population is not very big, it is isolated... it is perfect. I imagine waking up in the morning and it would be perfect silence. Christina was a city person; I am not and instead prefer country life. I think as we grew older together, she embraced that idea to the point where we both romanticized it; maybe it was my enthusiasm, I know she loved me.

For this summer trip, I already planned where we are staying, where we are having breakfast on the first day, and where we are having lunch.  I have thought about some activities; I hope the girls like them.  These are things that Christina would do, not me.

Only fourteen months ago Christina was here.  Today I remember every word we spoke to each other.  I wonder if the time we spend on earth, in this form, is to amend our imperfections.  Perhaps Christina reached a perfect state and she had to be "extracted" from her "form".  If that is the case then it scares me because I am so imperfect!  I know what you are thinking; this paragraph is absolute nonsense!

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