I believe that one of the subjects for intense philosophical discussions known to modern humanity is what happens on streets, roads, and highways when we use them. "The Truth" is by no means absolute but relative to everyone telling the story, circumstances, or sequence of events leading to a point in time. Everyone could record the same event, and even if we all would like to be truthful, we could underline different passages, willingly or not, that would make us look good at the light of scrutiny. This happens because storytelling is subjective to the person who tells it.
Our family was not any different. On road trips Christina and I have heated conversations about which lane was the best, the three-second rule, speed, when to overtake, etc, etc. Of course; all these discussions were aimed at safe travel. However, there was a problem; we were both "alpha" drivers.
One way to break this "tied in the first place" could be by penalties; accidents and tickets. Let us examine the numbers:
Her second penalty was going through a red light and they sent home a picture of her car going through the intersection. I never opened Christina's mail, and I recall that day collecting the mail and finding the letter addressed to Christina - "Mom, what is this?" - waving the letter at her in the air - "Oh, that!". We opened the letter together to find a beautiful picture of her car. I kissed her and told her to just pay it, that it could happen to anyone. I am always afraid I am going to get one of those one day!
3rd Accident: 25% responsible. I thought that it was not my fault, but the other driver was at 75% and did not argue further.
4th Accident: 50% responsible. It was in a parking lot and we both backed out at the same time in opposite directions. We both agreed that we had goofed.
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